Photo / Video Release

I do hereby grant Valentina Kozlova Dance Foundation, Inc., also known as VKDF, its assigns, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives and heirs the perpetual and irrevocable right to use my name or any fictional name (dancer over 18) or my child's name or any fictional name (dancer under 18), picture, portrait, photograph, movie or videos in all forms and in all media and in all manners, without any restrictions as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite or distorted representations or derivative works made in any medium) for editorial, advertising, trade promotion, exhibition, or any other lawful purposes, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph(s) or finished version(s), including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith. I hereby release and agree to hold harmless the Photographer, his or her assigns, licensees, successors in interest, legal representatives, and heirs from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, optical illusion, or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of the photographs, or in any processing tending toward the completion of the finished product, unless it can be shown that they and the publication thereof were maliciously caused, produced, and published solely for the purpose of subjecting me, or my child, to conspicuous ridicule, scandal, reproach, scorn and indignity. I agree that VKDF (herein referred to as the “Photographer”) owns the copyright of these photographs and videos and I hereby waive any claims I may have based on any usage of the photographs or works derived there from, including but not limited to claims for either invasion of privacy or libel. I agree that this release will be binding on me, my legal representatives, heirs and assigns. I have read this release and am fully familiar with its contents.